Changes to the future.

I think it´s important to make changes in the study programme, for example, "Quality Management", which was a fifth year subject, in the new programme this subject was implemented in fifth semester and did not give good results, so I think that this subject should be implemented again in the fifth year. I also think that there are subjects that should be added more hours of classroom and other subjects should be taken hours. My career is quite long, but I do not think it´s a bad thing, because if the career were shorter the workload and length of studies would increase too much, and these are already very high. How I just said the workload is quite high, but it seems good that is so, because in this way we will be more qualified professionals.
The infrastructure of the faculty is a topic in which many improvements must be made. In first place the library is very small and there are few books, this makes it difficult to study. It would be good to make an extension in the library to solve this problem.
 Secondly, the faculty does not have casino and it is very necessary that we have a comfortable place to eat. Another relevant problem is that there a few study rooms, unlike other faculties in which there are more.
The most important change that I would make is in the laboratories, because these are very old. The implementation of new technologies in these spaces is fundamental to achieve a better learning and properly developed as future professionals.
In terms of teaching methods I like the way it is taught in the faculty, although I think that new modalities could be implemented using new technologies, such as online classes.
One topic that I forgot is the schedule in which the exams are done. Normality the exams are carried out at 6:30 p.m., so we left the university very late and the neighborhood we are in has become dangerous; because or this it would be ideal for the exams to be in the morning.
I hope you found what I wrote interesting and I apologize for extending so much. 


  1. The University (and government) would have to invest a lot to change the laboratories. This wouldn't happen :(

  2. I agree with you, to make a change in the laboratories


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