English at University.

I had never liked the way in which English is implemented in this university. I fell that during all these years I have learned very little, it has not been something profitable for me, I want to be honest. I think we have to find a way in which this subject is less boring for everyone, because at least that´s what my friends and I feel. I even think I could learn English better by reading instead of attending classes. For example, the way I use English is usually reading books from differents subjects. When I had Systems Physiology a year ago, the bibliography was in english; now in Pharmaceutical Physicochemistry, the books are also in english.
The use of blogs is
one of the few things that I liked about this branch. I think this is a tool that helps us improve our grammar and learning, although I personally believe that I am missing to many things to learn. What I need to improve most is to learn to converse with another person in English, because in reading I have no major problem. Another important aspect that I have to improve is my pronunciation, but it´s something I can learn alone. I think that the University´s platform page could be an important support to improve my pronunciation, the bad thing is that I do not dedicate time to this, I only dedicate myself to the subjects that I feel are most important. With the above I do not mean that English is not important,  because it is, but there are subjects that have a higher priority.

This was my last blog, I hope it has not been tedious to read it and I hope you enjoyed some of the ones I wrote before. Bye.


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