A little pet.

My favourite pet was an particular and little animal, but it was very smart. My pet was a guinea pig and he died several years ago, because he was attacked by a cat and that caused him a serious infection. He´s name was "Sunday", because I put this name on a Sunday and I could not think another more original name.
My uncle gave he to me in my birthday, 10 years ago, in 2008. I was very happy with he and also he was happy, but the first days he was very scare, because he was very small and he did not  know me.
As the day passed, he began to eat a lot and was getting bigger until it no longer fit in its cage. Next to, my uncle gave my a bigger cage, and "Sunday" was happy with this.
 Every afternoon my guinea pig ran around the yard, and when I whistled him he came running. The later was what I liked most about him, that´s the reason why I love him; he was very smart.
Everything was happiness until the cat attacked him, after that he lived a couple of weeks,he died in 2010. His lasts days were very sad, but in spite of that I try to keep happy moments. 


  1. Sunday is a good name for a pet, it is very sad what happened to him

  2. It´s so sad when a pet dies, but we have all the happy moments with them in our hearts.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I love the cats but I don't like that cat :C

  5. And when you said "i'll go on sunday" he answer?


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