Why I´m choose Chemistry and Pharmacy?

Well, it was a bit difficult to choose this programme. When i was younger, I wanted to study medicine, but also I wanted to study Biochemistry. I finally choose Chemistry and Pharmacy, because I love everything related to medicinal drugs, and because in Biochemistry there is a little labor field, and I realized that medicine was not really what I liked the most. But what I was always sure of was that I wanted to study a science programme. Since I have memory I love science and everything related to it. Now that I remember, I also wanted to study Geology, because I really like the theme of earthquakes and volcanoes, but this programme has too much math, and I hate it. Even when I was little I thought that the weather could be mine, even my aunt gave me a book called Climatic Phenomena, by Michael Alaby. In spite of all the above, I decided to study Chemistry and Pharmacy, and I´m happy to have chosen what I really wanted.

My experience in this University has been amazing, and I like my programme more and more, but sometimes this is really difficult. I have made many friends, and I laugh a lot and I study a lot with they. The most complicated subject for me has been Calculus, that´s the only thing I did not like about my programm. My favorite subjects are Biology and Physiology, and also Chemistry.
 The first semester was complicated, especially by strike, I lost many classes, and I was harmed, but all that has happened, at least for now. In general, the teachers are very good, although a bad teacher made me classes (I will not tell you), and I have learned a lot in this university.

To the end of this programm, I will do my practice on a pharmacy, but I will not work all my life there, I don´t like it. I would like to work in a hospital, in the specialty of clinical pharmacy, because I like to work directly with patients. It is very interesting, because every day there is something new to do, it´s not monotonous like a pharmacy. I like research, but unfortunately In chile it is not promoted. If y wanted to dedicate myself to research, I would have to go to abroad, and I don´t want to go to another country. I prefer to stay in Chile working in a hospital, in order to contribute positively to the public health of our country.


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