My Biography.

Hello, my name is Cristóbal Soto Castillo, and I´m 20 years old. I was born on August 8th 1996, in Santiago. I live in Cerrillos, with my mother and my two grandparents. I don´t have brothers, and I don´t have childrens, and I don´t plan to have them, at least for now.

I studied in Don Orione´s School between 2003 and 2014. Now, I study Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of University of Chile, since 2016. It is a very difficult program, but I like it, because it´s a very beautiful profession, and i like to be close to people.

In my free time I like to go to walk to the park, and  I like to play ping pong in the university, with all my friends, but I don´t practice any sport regulary. Also, I like to see Family Guy in Netflix, it is a funny TV series, but the language is so rude. Sometimes I spend my time  reading scientific texts, because science is essential in my life, and that is the reason why I study this program.


  1. What is the scientific book you liked the most?

    1. I like to read anatomy books. I have also read magazines from the American Heart Association. Sorry for the delay.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Did you think sometime study medicine? As you like be close to people

    1. When I was 16 years old I though about studying medicine, but I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy, because I love everything related to medicinal drugs. Sorry for the delay


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